5 ways to balance your busy schedule with a business analysis course

Article published at: Sep 13, 2023 Article author: Stanley Okpala
5 ways to balance your busy schedule with a business analysis course
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5 ways to balance your busy schedule with a business analysis course

Often, our prospects ask us questions about how they can balance their 9-5 while studying business analysis courses. And the answer is simple - You don’t. 

Although there are several ways you can achieve this, you simply need to find the one that works for you. In this article, we’ll explain those ways and recommend the courses that can suit your schedule.

• 5 Ways to balance your busy schedule with a business analysis course

• 4 Business Analysis Courses that can suit your busy schedule

5 Ways to balance your busy schedule with a business analysis course

Here is a list of ways to balance your schedule with studying, no matter how busy it is:

• Stick to a plan 

The first step is to create a plan tailored to you. Sit down and assess your daily routines and weekly schedules. Figure out the times of day when you are most productive and focused. 

With this insight, you can allocate specific time slots for your course without compromising your job responsibilities. You can also use tools like calendars or productivity apps to keep track of tasks, assignments, and work-related duties.

• Manage your time effectively

Set aside specific time slots for your courses and stick to them. Procrastination may occur but ensure to set achievable goals for every session, and remember to reward yourself when you achieve them. 

This level of discipline will not only enhance your studies but also spill over into your job performance.

• Leverage your weekends

Dedicate substantial time during the weekend to attend classes, engage in discussions, and complete assignments. At Business Analysis School, we host most of our classes on weekends so you can maintain your progression throughout the course.

• Embrace Collaborative Learning

You don't have to navigate the journey alone. Connect with your fellow learners. Engage with classmates, form study groups, or participate in online forums related to your course. 

You can do these at Business Analysis School. 

Collaborative learning not only enriches your understanding but also exposes you to diverse strategies for managing your time. It can also offer invaluable insights into maintaining equilibrium between work and study.

• Take Care of Yourself

Amidst the hustle, remember to take care of yourself. Burnout is counterproductive for both your work and study efforts. So allocate time for relaxation, physical activity, and quality moments with your loved ones. This will contribute to your overall success in both spheres of your life.

Now you know how to maintain your balance between work and study. Let’s delve into some courses that can suit your weekend schedule 

4 Business Analysis Courses that can suit your busy schedule

In this section, we’ll explore some business analysis courses and programs that can fit into your busy schedule : 

1. Business Analysis Accelerator program: 

This is a 12 week coaching program where you learn the skills needed to become a successful business analyst. It is designed to help you kickstart your careers, get your dream job, and live a fulfilled life through a proven system.

Live Class schedules: 

Monday to Friday- 6pm MST

Saturday- 10am & 2pm MST

Sunday- 12pm & 4pm MST

business analysis coaching program

2. Business Analysis Thought Leadership Accelerator program: 

This is a 24-week coaching program that prepares you for senior and leadership roles as a Business Analyst. It is designed to help you as an aspiring Senior Business Analyst & Manager, kickstart your career, get your dream job and live a fulfilled life through a proven system.

Live class schedule: 

Monday to Friday- 6pm MST

Saturday- 10am & 2pm MST

Sunday- 12pm & 4pm MST

3. The Business Analysis Practical Training (EMEA)

This is a 4 week live class provided to students in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region who have gotten the required Business Analysis training and are interested in getting the practical hands-on experience with business analysis tools.

The classes are held over four weekends. 

Live class schedule: 

Saturday: 9am to 2pm (WAT)

Sunday: 1pm to 6pm (WAT)

business analysis practical training

4. The Business Analysis IIBA Certification Prep

This is a 2-week of coaching where we will walk you through the step-by-step process of which you can dive into business analysis knowledge areas, competencies and techniques. 

Live class schedule: 

- Saturday 9am to 5pm (WAT)

- Sunday 12pm to 5pm (WAT)

business analysis certification prep

Bottom Line

If you want to enroll in a course and become certified, you have to be determined to go through the process. While it’s understandable that you have a busy schedule, you also have to disciplined to dedicate yourself to studying. 

One hour today and another tomorrow – your certification is only a dedication away.

Ready to become certified? Click this link to get started NOW 
